Warning, not for the weakhearted.
Christian started the week with a 7am meeting to have a 20 year old root canal redone. The plan was to clean up the infection, repack the canals, and put a new crown on top. However, during the procedure, it was determined that one off the roots had cracked. That seemed to be the cause of much mischief. The procedure was aborted, and an extraction scheduled.
Today, at 9am, Christian was in the chair for a routine extraction. Or, so he thought. The doc started by splitting the tooth inner and outer. The outer half had a bunch of bacteria around the roots, and it came out relatively routinely. Yet, below the roots was an abscess that had taken up residence and didn’t want to move away. The doctor cleared the invaders and moved to the inner half.
The fun began. Picture a foot on Christian’s forehead, and a doctor with a huge wrench pulling away. No go. So, time to split the inner with hopes of simplifying the removal. Alas, many more foot on head attacks and out came the culprit with a bulging knot at the tip of the root. The final piece nearly fell out. Yeah, everything clear.
Due to the extensive yuck in the sockets, the options for grafting were postponed. The doctor wrote a few scripts, and sent Christian on his way.
Sadly, there was no pain when Christian started the week, and now, he is holding his head waiting for the pain meds to kick in.

#14 you had a good run. May you rest in peace! Well, in about 5 months you should consider restoring it with an implant…..I know a guy if your DDS doesn’t do them;-) Love you brother!
Wait, recounting your teeth, did you have a bicuspid removed for ortho/braces?
Sorry, dental geek…..
Yup. I have now had 9 teeth removed. But, only one in the past 30 years.
Wow! I thought my tooth pulling episode was a near death experience. Now, I see it was a piece of cake and I overreacted. So sorry!
Ahhhhhh no!!!!!! Looks like it hurts. I’m sorry my brother and hope you feel better soon. Love you